Friday, February 26, 2010

speed of the class

I've noticed that all of us have mentioned the speed of the class. As you both know, I am fast paced. This semester, I have totally gotten off the syllabus in an effort to let them manage their own paces. I can't pretend that I'm not upset about this because my research and readings were awesome and, to me, the class feels "dull." However, all the students have mentioned really enjoying this pace because it is letting them practice mental revision of their topics and small tweaks that, to them, make all the difference and seem to make them almost giddy.

I am wondering, when we are writing the paper, how will we keep this desire and joy with revision. It seems like "the topic" gets so much revision, but the attention to discussion of the topic doesn't maintain the same levity when they are revising writing.

I have started using language to emphasis immersion within the subject and the pace of immersion. I've noticed that this language (water metaphors about dipping toes, drowning, etc. and words like languish and luxury--deep l and vowel sounds) seem to be pushing them into the research and the pleasure of sitting with something. "Egypt" really helped. Really helped. They saw that Butor doesn't even begin discussing his topic until page 4 because he is so busy developing pathos and relating and positioning himself to and with the subject.

To work at their pace, I have considered revisiting my thesis and, like the majority of them, changing it. I want to see how this need for change and constant perfection will impact my own study and develop more empathy between their position as learners.

I'll let you know, later today, what my new topic is.

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